Grow Your Business Starting Today!
Introducing Sales Success Programs Specifically For Women
Brands That Trust Us
Increase Your Confidence And Sales Success as a Powerful Woman Leader
“Companies with women executives are 30% more likely to outperform other companies”(Zippa)
“As of 2020, 35% of top management positions are held by women.“ (Zippa)
“Women make up only 29% of sales reps yet they consistently outperform their male colleagues.“ (Xactly)
Our focus is supporting you in becoming the most EFFECTIVE and POWERFUL by leader you can be by focusing on repeatable processes, value, solution & strategic selling.
A small 10% change of can result in 10x times your results.
It is the small things that enable you to outsell and outperform giving you the competitive edge you require.We have the solutions you need to succeed!
What We Can Do For You
Organizations who use formal sales processes earn 28% more than those who do not.(Harvard Business School)
- Plan, prepare and practice simple yet highly effective repeatable sales processes that are easy to implement
- Up-level team effectiveness, skillset, productivity and performance
- Learn selling strategies to gain and maintain clients
- Grow your accounts and maximize additional sales opportunities with strategic sales planning.
- Focus on differentiation, and providing value-add, problem-solving solutions
Why Choose Rainmakers?
You will have access to Jackie’s ability to MOTIVATE and INSPIRE people to love selling and SERVING OTHERS as much as she does. Jackie’s ‘how’ is the secret to your success! It’s all about the EXPERTISE, the EXPERIENCES, the STORIES, the ‘HOW’ to overcome the challenges…the failures…and the lessons learned that make a great trainer!
Our Program
Did you know that women drive 70-80% of all purchases? Discover how to tap into this unique and powerful group of purchasers and how they differ from men.
- Learn how their habits, behaviour, thought processes, purchasing triggers and preferences are very different from men when making buying decision
- Discover the selling techniques, and approaches that work best with each gender
- Learn the customer service expectations of women to maximize sales and best serve this influential group
- Understand their role with online shopping, the importance of peers, mobile devices
- Discover the situations to avoid that cause the most frustration Women are more influential and powerful than ever before when it comes to selling. Uncover the key to the female mind and maximize your sales opportunites.
Negotiation skills are critical in business. Do you feel your negotiation skills are lacking? Want to feel more confident and in control instead of feeling like you got the raw end of the deal? Gain valuable insight:
- Learn the fundamentals required to create a more successful negotiation
- ✓ Learn the common negotiation tactics used in negotiation and how to handle them to better protect your interests while creating a win/win
- Discover how men and women differ when negotiating
- Learn how to leverage the natural skills women possess
- Leverage your personal strengths and improve your weaknesses to create improved outcomes
- Learn when you should and shouldn’t negotiate
- Top negotiation mistakes
Expand your negotiation skills so you can feel more confident and controlled while learning how to create more enhanced business and personal relationships and outcomes.
A highly interactive class focused on mastering your presentation skills. With the use of interactive videotaping and role playing, overcome the toughest obstacles in the Selling Presentation as you become more confident, natural and refined. This course will take you and/or your team to the top of your game as you master your presentation skills with real world application. A highly interactive class focused on role play so that the toughest parts of the Selling Presentation become more natural and fluid with real world application. Learn to master presentation skills in front of customers and/or larger audiences. No longer will you cringe when in front of customers, important and/or larger audiences. Instead, learn to look, speak and feel like a pro!
Leadership has changed! In today’s complex and turbulent environment, genuine leadership is becoming a priority focus. Organizations are looking for Authentic Leaders who lead with purpose, integrity and values. They excel in creating positive culture with highly engaged, motivated, and collaborative teams. They build strong enduring teams and organizations that can adapt to change with resiliency, high emotional intelligence and self awareness. Learn Authentic Leadership Development methods and processes to create an effective, cohesive teams while inspiring them to perform to their highest potential.
Maximize your interpersonal skills to gain the trust and respect of employees and peers, creating a positive and engaged culture while successfully benefiting and improving the productivity and profitability of your organization. Emphasis will be placed on vision, styles of leadership, goals & objectives, motivation, decision-making, time management, power, team building, conflict, politics, ethics, dealing with change and communication skills.