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How To Outsell & Outperform In Uncertain Economic Times

By Jethro October 27, 2022

As a business owner or sales leader, I know what matters most to you. Revenue, income results, cash flow, am I missing anything? Oh yeah, profitability!!


And what do all those things have in common?? SALES!!


With only 57% of teams achieving their sales target at the best times, meeting sales goals is hard!  

Doing it while trying to weather tough economic times is when your anxiety and sleepless nights really kick in! 


It used to be one or two brick & mortar competitors, but with the explosion of technology and a click of a button, competition is everywhere. 


Customers are hard-to-find, slower-to-close, & risk averse, preferring to maintain the status quo than to make any change at all. They are now more knowledgeable and have higher expectations, including improved service and better pricing.  


Your sales team… the sales skill they have got them where they are today, but they need more to get you the results you need if you want to outsell and outperform for tomorrow. 

It comes down to giving them a new combination of tools: 


1.  Increase Emotional Intelligence & Soft Skills; empathy, self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, and communication skills. These are essential abilities in developing both internal and external relationships. Selling is 80% relationship-building. Happy, cohesive work environments create higher productivity and profitability.


Harvard Business Review reports that today’s organizations prioritize soft skills above technical know-how, for everyone from the C-Suite to sales and frontline staff, and that the demand for emotional intelligence and soft skills will continue to grow. 


2. Personality to Profit’ is a powerful and proven technique to allow your team to easily identify a client’s personality type, purchasing triggers, and communication style. Knowing what motivates and appeals to prospects allows you and your team to clearly deliver your message in a way that most effectively influences and aligns with your client maximizing your sales, achieving faster sales results, and optimizing your business.


3. And finally…. use simple ‘repeatable processes’. Why? Simple processes are easy to learn, retain and most importantly… implement out in the field, which builds rep confidence, improves the customer experience and trust level, and leads to higher results and profitability. ‘Organizations who use formal processes earn 28% more than those who do not.’ (HBR)


Rainmakers’ customized and proven ‘SELLING MADE SIMPLE Sales Success System’ is different from your traditional structure and scripted sales training programs in that it includes all of these unique elements and more. It is a holistic approach that has created significant results for countless customers. 


Some of you may decide to ride the recession out, but the smart people will be proactive and see this as an incredible opportunity to not only outsell and outperform in uncertain economic times but to catapult your results, revenue, and profitability, investing in a new long-term plan of sales success and growth for your organization. 


If you are looking for a customized sales, sales leadership, customer service, or business SPEAKER OR TRAINING presentation to MAKE IT RAIN SALES in your company and want to keep the conversation going, let’s connect


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Jackie Rainforth is a global award-winning sales & leadership winning speaker, sales trainer, & business growth consultant, author of The Badass Guide to Selling, (Amazon),. For additional information on Jackie’s keynote presentations and seminars,call 1-403-615-2333 or email [email protected] www.RainmakersGroup.ca and signup for their free monthly sales tips, blog or newsletter.