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Think It’s Okay To Say I’ll Get Back To You?’

By Jethro December 22, 2022

The other day my hubby and I went to a big car event. They were releasing their new electric car. It was a fancy event. They spent a lot of money – big tent, food, lots of salespeople.

I was pretty impressed and ready to place my order…that is until they COULDN’T ANSWER what I thought were pretty basic questions.

  • How long do the batteries last?
  • How much are the batteries to replace?
  • What happens to the car when the batteries die?

81% said buyers were more likely to make a purchase if the sales experience was consultative

BUT…research says EXPERIENCED buyers and CEO’s say it is IMPORTANT that sales reps have the knowledge to be able to ANSWER DIFFICULT & COMPLEX QUESTIONS on the spot, not say, “I’ll get back to you”.

My story isn’t really that of a big CEO… but it is a great lesson about how you need to be planned, prepared, and practiced. And for sales leaders and company owners… the bigger lesson, is for you to make sure your people are well-trained and prepared before you put them out there. 

If you want to find out how we can help your team, reach out now.


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Jackie Rainforth is a global award-winning sales & leadership winning speaker, sales trainer, & business growth consultant, author of The Badass Guide to Selling, (Amazon),. For additional information on Jackie’s keynote presentations and seminars,call 1-403-615-2333 or email [email protected] www.RainmakersGroup.ca and signup for their free monthly sales tips, blog or newsletter.