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Is Your Team Not Making Target?

By Jethro December 15, 2022

57% of teams do not make targets! 

For sales leaders whose performance is based on their success, that is a distressing statistic! 

One of the things you can do to help is to break the target down into weekly or monthly targets. By giving them smaller, more manageable goals to achieve, the tasks do not seem as daunting and are easier to achieve. But more importantly, you set them up for success. You allow them the opportunity to achieve and celebrate more wins which builds confidence, improves morale, and creates a much more positive mindset. 

Sales teams with high morale were found to be 21% more profitable and 17% more productive. Who doesn’t want that???

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Jackie Rainforth is a global award-winning sales & leadership winning speaker, sales trainer, & business growth consultant, author of The Badass Guide to Selling, (Amazon),. For additional information on Jackie’s keynote presentations and seminars,call 1-403-615-2333 or email [email protected] www.RainmakersGroup.ca and signup for their free monthly sales tips, blog or newsletter.